Neutron Diffractometer with a Position Sensitive Detector System (PSD)

Budapest Neutron Centre

The PSD neutron diffractometer is dedicated to atomic structure investigations of amorphous materials, liquids and crystalline materials with moderate resolution requirements. PSD is a 2-axis diffractometer equipped with a linear position-sensitive detector system. The detector assembly is mounted on the diffractometer arm and it spans a scattering angle range of 25° at a given detector position. The entire diffraction spectrum can be measured in five steps.

The detector system of PSD and its digital electronics was made in Studsvik NFL (Sweden). The detector system is based on three 3He-filled linear position sensitive Reuter-Stokes detectors (610 mm in length, 25 mm in diameter). The three detectors are placed above each other within the scattering plane. The dedicated electronics serves for electronic motion control and data transfer between the diffractometer and the computer.

A high temperature in-situ cell (for 20 to 900°C) is available at the PSD diffractometer.

Contact: Margit Fabian

Technical specifications

Channel: Thermal 9T tangential
Primary collimator: Soller-type: 20′
Take-off monochromator angle facility: -5°<2θm<45°
Monochromator/Mosaicity: Cu(111)/16′
Monochromatic wavelength: 0.1069 A
Resolution Δd/d: 1.2×10-2
Flux at the sample position: 106 n/s/cm2
Beam size at specimen: 10 mm x 50 mm
Scattering angle 2θ: 5º< 2θ < 110º
Momentum transfer interval, Q: 0.6-9.2 A-1
Monitor counter Fission chamber
Detector system 3 linear position sensitive 3He detectors
The detector assembly spans 25º
scattering angle at a given position
Data collection Xilinx preprogrammed unit
Data transfer and control PC-AT with Eagle I/O card and a dedicated electronic device
Remote control and file transfer Windows programme package

Detailed information can be found on the instrument’s webpage.