
CERIC’s governing bodies are the General Assembly (GA), the Executive Director, the Board of Directors (BoD) and the International Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (ISTAC).

General Assembly

The General Assembly (GA) is the highest governing body of CERIC and decides on its policies in scientific, technical and administrative matters. It is composed by two ministerial representatives per Member country.

Members of the General Assembly (GA)

  • Austria: Florian Brandt, Heinz Amenitsch
  • Croatia – Hrvoje Meštrić, Jelena Ilic-Dreven, Milko Jakšić
  • Czech Republic: Magda Pektorová, Vladimir Matolin (Vice Chair)
  • Italy: Giorgio Paolucci, Carlo Rizzuto (Chair)
  • Hungary – Ákos Horváth, Gabor Csirikusz
  • Poland – Michał Rybiński, Marek J. Stankiewicz
  • Romania: Beatrice Paduroiu, Ionut Enculescu
  • Serbia: Viktor Nedović
  • Slovenia: Albin Kralj, Karolina Schlegel

Secretary: Ileana Gimmillaro

Executive Director and Deputies

The Executive Director, who is appointed by the General Assembly, is the executive body and legal representative of CERIC. She is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Consortium.

  • Executive Director: Jana Kolar
  • Deputy Director: Ornela De Giacomo

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (BoD) oversees the coordination of the implementation of the strategies approved by the General assembly and acts as advisory body to the Executive Director on all proposals to be submitted to the General Assembly. It is composed by the directors of the Partner Facilities nominated by the Members or Representing Entities.

Members of the Board of Directors (BoD)

  • Austria: Heinz Amenitsch (Chair)
  • Croatia: Zdravko Siketic
  • Czech Republic: Iva Matolinová
  • Hungary: Tamás Belgya
  • Italy: Marco Marazzi
  • Poland: Marek J. Stankiewicz
  • Romania: Ionut Enculescu
  • Slovenia: Janez Plavec

Secretary: Ornela De Giacomo


The International Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (ISTAC) provides independent advice to the GA and the Executive Director on all strategic issues, as well as on the scientific and technical activities carried out by CERIC. In particular, it evaluates proposals for new Partner Facilities, and the operation of existing ones, advising the General Assembly on acceptance and continuation. It is composed by outstanding personalities in the fields relevant to CERIC.

Members of the ISTAC:

  • Andrew Harrison, Director of Science at ELI – Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC, Chair
  • Luis Fonseca, CSIC in Barcelona (nanoscience and nanomaterials), Vice-Chair
  • Lilli Freda, Executive Director EPOS-ERIC
  • Annalisa Pastore, Director of Research at ESRF
  • Karsten Horn, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society in Berlin, Germany
  • Paolo Olivero, Associate Professor in Physics at the University of Torino
  • Christoph Quitmann, Director / Head of Division Project LightHouse, RI Research Instruments GmbH
  • Sara Cavaliere, Professor at the University of Montpellier, Charles Gerhardt Institute for Molecular Chemistry and Materials
  • Marta Carroni, Cell and Molecular Imaging Platform Director, SciLifeLab, Head of Unit, SciLifeLab CryoEM Facility; Dept. Biochemistry & Biophysics, Stockholm University
  • Petr Novak, Group leader, Laboratory of structural biology and cell signaling; Institute of Microbiology, Prague
  • Sandra Ribeiro, Biomolecular Structure and Function Group; Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular – IBMC; Instituto para a Investigação e Inovação em Saúde – i3S, Portugal

CERIC’s management and research activities are distributed in the participating countries and cover administration, communications, technology transfer and project management. A common support system at the CERIC Seat in Trieste allows the distributed staff to operate in an integrated way for transnational and cooperative projects and joint ventures.