ERIC Forum 2

The Horizon Europe Second Implementation Project for the ERIC Forum implements the policy of ERICs (European Research Infrastructure Consortia, a legal form that facilitates the establishment and operation of Research Infrastructures in Europe) while structuring their integration within the European Research Area (ERA).

In continuation with the first edition of the project, the ERIC Forum 2 aims to strengthen coordination within the ERIC community and enhance collaboration between partners. The project will address critical challenges, develop best practices, and frame the necessary knowledge to support ERICs-to-be in their setup.

Within this framework, specific working groups will meet to identify shared practices in managing back-office resources, employment contracts, VAT exemptions, or rules for multi-sited or distributed ERICs.


  • Provide updated data and information on the ERICs to demonstrate their outcomes, impacts, and importance in the ERA.
  • Develop shared practices, regulations, and services to improve ERICs’ sustainability and ensure compatibility with European political priorities.
  • Strengthen coordination and networking between the ERICs, supporting ERICs-in-preparation.
  • Ensure that ERICs have an adequate representation on the European stage, a unified voice to speak with, and strong links with society, economy, and competitiveness.


CERIC is involved in different teams and will contribute to provide updated data and information on the ERICs, implement the employee regulations, and communicate the project activities.

Visit the project’s website