Research Infrastructures (RIs) – Energy Industry Meeting: Improving Industry Usage of RIs



In the frame of the ACCELERATE project, CERIC is organising a meeting focusing on the relationship between Energy companies (batteries, energy storage, fuel cells) and Research Infrastructures (RIs). It will be held online on 29 April at 09:30 CET on the following topics:

  • Access to Research Infrastructures, modes of access, how companies currently access to Research Infrastructures;
  • Example of collaborations;
  • Lessons learned: advantages, opportunities, weaknesses;
  • Opportunities to improve access for industry.

Short interventions by companies and research infrastructure representatives will take place, where it will be discussed the type of existing relationships and opportunities to improve access for companies to research infrastructures.

In addition to the presentations by Research Infrastructure (CERIC Executive Director, Head of Industrial Liaison Office at Elettra Sincrotrone S.C.p.A , Director of Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer at Charles University), and companies (ASG Superconductors S.p.A, Umicore, SOLIDpower, LEANCAT, Industrie De Nora), the event will also host an open discussion on how to improve the cooperation with industry.

► The event’s program is available here. Register here (Limited places available).