Training Materials
In this section, all materials used during the project’s training sessions will be available for download.
- Breve introduzione di CERIC e di PaGES (Marina Coricciati)
- Project Management (Andrea Santelli/Marina Coricciati)
- La comunicazione in un’infrastruttura di ricerca (Marcello Turconi)
- La spettroscopia Raman (Francesco D’Amico)
- Microfabbricazione e litografia (Benedetta Marmiroli)
- La spettroscopia infrarossa (Chiaramaria Stani)
- Project Management (Andrea Santelli)
- Strumenti di comunicazione in un’infrastruttura di ricerca (Nicoletta Carboni)
- La spettroscopia Raman nella scienza (Francesco D’Amico)
- Quando la scienza incontra i beni culturali (Chiaramaria Stani)
- Microfabbricazione e DXRL (Benedetta Marmiroli)
Virtual tour at the Austrian, Italian and Slovenian CERIC partner facilities:
Presentation of the project | Elements of project management | Disinformation and COVID-19
- PaGES6 – An introduction
- Elements of Project Management (Andrea Santelli)
- Disinformation and COVID-19: how to recognize fake news (Nicoletta Carboni)
Scientific training for teachers and students
- La linea di luce SYRMEP @ Elettra e l’imaging a raggi X di tessuti biologici (Giuliana Tromba)
- Imaging infrarosso – L’istologia con i colori del IR (Lisa Vaccari)
- Biomeccanica di tessuti bioptici con microscopia a forza atomica (Loredana Casalis)
Virtual tour at the CMS experiment (LHC @CERN) – PaGES6
Students’ works
Short film by the pupils of the Einstein high school in Cervignano del Friuli (IT) – PaGES6 project
Presentation of the project, elements of project management, technology transfer and communications
- Introduzione a PaGES 5
- Elementi di project management (Andrea Santelli)
- Innovation and technology transfer (Marco Peloi, Mojca Franceskin)
- Comunicazione corporate e di progetto (Nicoletta Carboni)
Scientific training for teachers and students
- How to use a Michelson interferometer to improve laser synchronization at FERMI (Paolo Sigalotti)
- Experiments vs simulations: a comparison between collected and simulated Raman spectra of simple organic molecules, pure and in aqueous solutions (Francesco D’Amico)
- Deep X-Ray Lithography. Fabrication of microgears using DXRL and replica of a UV lithography pattern by casting of a soft material (Benedetta Marmiroli)
- Le proprietà fisico-chimiche delle Nanoparticelle metalliche e il loro utilizzo come biosensori (Loredana Casalis)
Remote experiments (videos)
>> Synthesis and characterisation of gold nanoparticles
- Part 1: Synthesis of gold nanoparticles
- Part 2: Characterisation of nanoparticles using UV/VIS spectrophotometer
- Part 3: Charaterisation of functionalised gold nanoparticles
- Part 4: Charaterisation of functionalised gold nanoparticles using gel electrophoresis
- Part 5: Imaging of gold nanoparticles using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
Data analysis
Presentations by the schools’ pupils:
- Final presentation by the pupils of the high school Copernico (Udine, IT)
- Final video presentation by the pupils of the high school Einstein (Cervignano del Friuli, IT) – Article: “È solo questione di interferenza“
- Final presentation by the pupils of the high school Magrini (Gemona del Friuli, IT)
- Final presentation by the pupils of the high school Duca degli Abruzzi (Gorizia, IT)
- Final presentation by the pupils of the high school Buonarroti (Monfalcone, IT)
Training for the teachers and the students
- Introduction to particle accelerators
- Il colore delle nanoparticelle d’oro: applicazioni in nanomedicina
- La spettroscopia vibrazionale di assorbimento infrarosso e scattering Raman
Presentation of the project and elements of project management
- Introduzione al progetto PaGES 4
- Elementi di project management
- How to generate value from the knowledge
- Funding for business: from the business idea to the business plan
Scientific experiment at the synchrotron Elettra
Liceo Scientifico Copernico and Liceo Scientifico Magrini
- Presentation on Infrared Spectroscopy
- Notes for the students – IR and Raman
- Instructions for data analysis
- Scientific Data Copernico
- Scientific Data Magrini
Liceo Scientifico Buonarroti
Liceo Scientifico Galilei
Liceo Scientifico Oberdan
Liceo Scientifico Duca degli Abruzzi
Liceo Scientifico Einstein
Corporate, project and science communication
Training for the teachers and the students
- Introduction to Particle Accelerators
- PaGES 3 – Nanoparticelle metalliche e liposomi nella nanomedicina
Presentation of the project and elements of project management
- Presentazione del progetto PaGES3
- Elementi di Project Management
- Watch the video produced by the students at the Liceo Scientifico Galilei in Trieste.
Theory and Scientific Experiment at Elettra
- Infrared Spectroscopy
- Analytical Chemistry – Infrared Spectroscopy
- NanoInnovation Lab Experiment’s protocols
Data Analysis and Science Communication
Communication, involvement of the industry and of the financial system
Interacting with a bank: fundraising and business planning
Event 1
- PaGES – An Introduction
- Cosa è e come funziona un Sincrotrone
- Project Management – 1
- Project Management – 2
Event 2
Event 3 @ Elettra
Event 4